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Filing an Eviction Case

NOTE: A federal law called the CARES Act may require you to give 30 days' notice before evicting tenants for nonpayment and may impose specific requirements. Click below for information:

CARES Act protection for renters.
CARES Act map. En Espanol.

Eviction Forms

Information Packet – Click here for information on filing an eviction case. This packet does not contain information about the COVID-19 pandemic, including the above moratorium and programs.

  • Petition - Use this form to begin your eviction case (this form is for use when the Emergency Orders have expired!).
  • Statement of Inability - Fill out this form if you are unable to afford the filing or service fees, other court fees, or an appeal bond.
  • Appeal Bond - Use this form if you wish to appeal your case to a higher court after your trial.
  • Application for Writ of Execution - If you win a judgment for money, you can use this form to ask the court to order the seizure and sale of the defendant’s property to satisfy the judgment.
  • Application for Writ of Garnishment - If you win a judgment for money, you can use this form to ask the court to order a third party (such as a bank) to turn over assets that they hold that belong to the defendant to satisfy the judgment.