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Access Your Student Account

Read below for information on how to access your student account.

  • Important Information about Fees

    • All room nights are a $55 charge regardless of location. This is a voluntary fee to cover the difference between the grant-allowed GSA rate and the cost charged by the property. This cost allows education seminars to continue to be held in preferred locations throughout the state.

    • Enrollment is subject to receipt of registration from each participant. The registration fee provides for program costs and meals. Pursuant to grant conditions, the registration fee is mandatory and given to the grant to be spent as restricted funds. If you or your county cannot pay this fee, please contact Thea Whalen at to inquire about a waiver. 

      The Texas State overhead assessment fee is a voluntary fee deposited into TJCTC's private fund account and is used for unrestricted activity expenses that the grant cannot cover, such as salaries, benefits, and excess food and lodging costs. 

      The fees are currently split at 40% registration fee and 60% overhead assessment fee. The registration fee should be paid in full prior to the start of the event. TJCTC accepts credit cards, ACH payments, personal checks, county checks, money orders, or purchase orders.