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Register for an Exam

How can I register to take the exam? 

What happens after I register? 

  • Online Exam

    • Registration in the Spring will happen through Destiny One, TJCTC's new database. You will register for the exam just like you register for a program and you can pay online or via check. 

      After we confirm that you are eligible to take the exam, you will receive an email from us with further instructions. Then, you can create an account in the exam software, test out your computer to make sure it's features will work, and either immediately take the exam or schedule for a date in the future. 

  • Exam at TJCTC's Office

    • After you send Darby an email at, you will receive a reply back within a few business days. Then, TJCTC will coordinate a time that will work for both you and us and send you a follow-up email with details.